Borys Kadets
I am an Assistant Professor (מרצה בכיר) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem working in algebraic geometry and number theory. I received my PhD from MIT in 2020.
☎️ Contact information
📧 kadets.math@gmail.com
💬 Pronouns: he/him/his
📜 Publications
- Exponents of Jacobians and relative class groups, joint with Daniel Keliher, preprint
- Subspace configurations and low degree points on curves, joint with Isabel Vogt, Advances in Mathematics
- Level structure, arithmetic representations, and noncommutative Siegel linearization, joint with Daniel Litt, Crelle's journal
- Odoni's conjecture on arboreal Galois representations is false, joint with Philip Dittmann, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
- 38406501359372282063949 & all that: Monodromy of Fano Problems, joint with Sachi Hashimoto, International Mathematics Research Notices
- Sectional monodromy groups of projective curves, Journal of the London Mathematical Society
- Estimates for the number of rational points on simple abelian varieties over finite fields, Mathematische Zeitschrift
- Large arboreal Galois representations, Journal of Number Theory
- Classification of quantum groups and Belavin-Drinfeld cohomologies for orthogonal and symplectic Lie algebras, joint with E. Karolinsky, A. Stolin and I. Pop , Journal of Mathematical Physics
- Classification of quantum groups and Belavin-Drinfeld cohomologies, joint with E. Karolinsky, A. Stolin and I. Pop, Communications in Mathematical Physics
- Fraïssé limits of C*-algebras, joint with C. Eagle, I. Farah, B. Hart, V. Kalashnyk and M. Lupini, Journal of Symbolic Logic
📓 Other Writing
- Exercises in Diophantine Geometry, joint with Yunqing Tang
- Practical Suggestions for Mathematical Writing, joint with Renee Bell, Padmavathi Srinivasan, Nicholas Triantafillou, and Isabel Vogt, Notices of the American Mathematical Society